Cause and Effect of Traffic Accident in Cambodia

            Traffic accident is the main point which everyone is never expected to happen, but it takes lives from many people in every day. In other way, government tried to advise to the citizens to avoid or reduce an accident. Moreover, the citizen already knew the cause and effect of traffic accident too, but they still met the traffic accident. There are so many different reasons that people died everyday by traffic accident. Those are talked about intention and unintentional.
             People tried to avoid the accident, in someway or another; they still got an accident. According to the WHO (World Health Organization) annual report about the traffic accident, they said people got the accident because they had alcohol, then they drive, some don’t respect to the traffic law or light, and some don’t respect to each other while they are on the road. These activities came from their intentional or we can say their behavior. In the same way as they had intention to have accident, but some of other people they didn’t to have these situation happen to them or their family or even their relatives. Mostly the way that unintentional accident happened, came from random time or their luck. Some of people, they didn’t have any alcohol drink while they on their vehicles. Another people, they careful for themselves while they are the road, they respected to the traffic law and each other driver, but those of them are still get accidents the same. Some of less Cambodian people, they were so lucky because they had accident, but they were fine. However, other people, they died during they had accident. Moved back to the effect from the causes above, there are also have some effects from the causes. Thus, it can make the country decrease of people population and decrease human resources.

              Moreover, it is big impact for economic sector for long term. For the internal family, it makes big impact for their financial if one or two of their members in family got accident because they need to spend the money for them. In other ways that the government must do, are need to improve the implementer or manager of traffic law to strict for those who are not respect to the traffic law. Moreover, they should advertise about the impact of accident to them as more as they can do. In addition, they need to mobilize every people to know about the pros and cons about the impact of traffic accident by establish any workshops or forums to share the pros and cons of traffic accident. In short, accidents in Cambodia are still the sensitive points that everyone has to avoid it.

              According to the causes and effects that I had mentioned above, they need to understand them as well because I think that everyone doesn’t want to face it. Thus, from the deep of my honor heart would like to say that prevent is better than cure.


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