ASEAN Integration

           Asean Integration is the realization of the end goal of Asean Economic Integration as espoused in vision 2020, which is based on convergence of interest of Asean Member Countries to deepen and broaden economic integration through existing and new initiative with clear timeline. In 1997, the Asean Leaders at their summit they decided to transform Asean into stable, prosperous and highly competitive region with equitable economic development and reduce poverty and socio-economic desparities.

           In 2003, Asean Leaders declared that Asean Economic Community shall be the goal of regional economic integration in 2020. In 2006, the established the AEC blueprint in advance and the last update and finalize is in 2007; they affirmed and decided to do the Asean Integration in 2015. The key characterizes of the AEC are single market and productivity base, highly competitive economic region, a region of equitable economic development, and a region fully integration into global economy. Single market and productivity base transform into 5 frees such as free flow of goods, free flow of service, free flow of investment, free flow of capital, and free flow of skill labor. As this year is the year they celebrate the Asean Integration, there are many challenges for Cambodia such as our education is limited, we can't say it is low and no time to learn more because it is nearly coming, so we better than share what we have known to them or we can say value more than caught. Other factor which might be affecting to us is low skill labor. It is all the slightly impact to Cambodia for competitive with the regional level.

            In addition, we have limited resources to compete with another countries, like some of us might be don't know about AEC, so if you don't know about it, you should better conduct the study or do some research for preparedness with the AEC. Last but not least, minimum wage is also the impact to Cambodia when we are celebrating the AEC. The impact of minimum wage are internal sector which are garment sectors like ministry of labor is still increasing the minimum wage to the garment sectors, but there are over 4000 workers in garment sectors. So the owner businesses might be their business if their businesses are low profit or less productivity. In addition, small enterprises like restaurant, coffee shop also close soon too if they are still increasing per year. For the external sector like CAMFEBA, or Special Economic Zone, and government relate to that field might also have conflict with the internal sectors too. For example; the low skill labor that work in the special economic zone or CAMFEBA might be jealous with the garment sector because of the wage which they were increasing since last two years. The conflict between low skill workers and garment sector workers affect to the government to compete with another countries about the economy.

             In short, AEC is a great opportunity for us to learn something new and to compete with ASEAN members and show our identity that we are Cambodia. On the same way of our opportunity, it is also our challenges too to prepare for the AEC. In my opinion, all of us at here are ready or not, it is not your fault, we had better the shake hands and fight with it together.


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